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Connect the Dots Video Marketing Podcast

Mar 31, 2020

Vicki O'Neill reviews why a SWOT analysis is an important part of the marketing strategy. She also reviews what it is and breaks down questions and points to consider in developing a SWOT for marketing purposes. 

Mar 24, 2020

I don't have time for marketing! Where do I begin? Vicki reviews 5 ways that any business can take action right now in marketing their brand.

Your time can be short or long depending on how the time commitment you can make. The key is to take action - any action will do your brand good.

Mar 17, 2020

Creating content that's relevant, consistent and actionable is the way to attract, engage and convert prospects to buy from you.

The key is to have a plan. Just as you created a business plan to create and operate a successful business, you need a plan to create successful content. 

I share 20 content ideas and provide...

Mar 10, 2020

Joseph Myers from Narratology shares how the 3 characters in a story help carry out the narrative, when it's OK to make your marketing about you and whether or not there's one silver bullet that works for everyone all the time. Listen in and visit the show notes at

Mar 3, 2020

Vicki walks through the importance of being on social media consistently with engaging content in order to attract ideal customers. Showing up consistently with information they want and that will solve their problem, relieve a pain point or not keep them up at night is what ideal content is suppose to do. Show...