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Connect the Dots Video Marketing Podcast

Jan 25, 2022

In this episode Vicki O'Neill reviews the 4 pillars needed for an effective content marketing strategy, resources to get you started with creating your own eye-catching content for marketing, ideas for connecting the dots between online and offline content marketing as well as effective strategies that maximize your...

Jan 18, 2022

Host Vicki O'Neill has guest Gillian Whitney join her this week on Connect the Dots to talk about making videos, in particular on LinkedIn. 

Gillian is a veteran marketer who focuses on helping entrepreneurs and small business owners with video to increase their brand visibility and connect better with...

Jan 11, 2022

In this episode of Connect the Dots, reviewing YouTube analytics of a Small Channel provides inspiration to getting started PLUS the 7 MUST DO steps to getting started on YouTube. 

Video is THE most viewed and engaged with media. If you've been a watcher and talked about getting started, this is the episode for you. 


Jan 4, 2022

Why YouTube is SO hard (and what to do about it) reviews the reasons why most people either don't start a YouTube channel or if they do, why they don't continue creating videos. 

In this week's episode I review the top 2 reasons why people DON'T create videos for YouTube as well as how to get past the roadblock in 2022...