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Connect the Dots Video Marketing Podcast

Oct 6, 2020

Every business owner and entrepreneur experiences growth challenges at some point or another. What most of these people don't realize is that their online marketing might be holding them back. 

In this episode of Connect the Dots, I review the 4 most common online marketing mistakes I see business owners and...

May 26, 2020

This episode is from a conversation I had with a small business owner whose business has plateaued the last 2 years. His original thought was he needed to up his marketing game but after our conversation I realized he needed something else. Listen to hear the 5 strategies and which one wasn't for him (you might...

May 5, 2020

In this short episode, I review why pivoting your marketing to align with your revised 2020 goals is important. I ask for listeners to leave a voice message in the show notes of ONE marketing thing they will do differently as a result of COVID-19. Podcast show notes and SpeakPipe app to leave a voice message available...

Jan 21, 2020

Louisa shares how she connects the dots with business leaders who want to grow and the virtual team members she works with. She also shares the importance of posting engaging content on LinkedIn in order to connect with your audience and ultimately generate leads. Asking a question at the end of your post is a tip...

Jan 14, 2020

Seth Anthony is a marketing and sales director at Holleran, a B2B company that provides business intelligence for aging service providers. Seth shares how he leverages research and BI to help customers understand their markets.

Vicki O'Neill is host of the Connect the Dots podcast and can be found at